Covid-19 Does Not Have to Be a Problem Paul Craig Roberts Here is the presstitute CNN’s report on US Covid-19 cases— . According to the report, the US has the most cases of all countries and the highest number of deaths.  If this is correct, it says something about our health care system and the…

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Flight from New York Paul Craig Roberts New York City is in Serious trouble.  Indeed, all diverse US cities are in trouble, especially those ruled by Democrats.  The combination of coronavirus and unchecked rioting and looting have undermined their economies. Working at home has taught businesses that they do not need to accumulate employees in…

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A Related Double-Header Today Tucker Carlson on Fox News Announces What I and  John-Paul Leonard Told You Almost 2 Months ago—George Floyd Fatally Overdosed with Fentanyl A Lawsuit Is Brought to Force Release of HCQ to the Public The rest of the media continues to lie to protect the anti-white agenda and Big Pharma’s profit…

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We Were Not Told The Cost to Us of Multiculturalism Paul Craig Roberts When white gentile and Jewish liberals imposed diversity and multiculturalism on the rest of us without asking if we agreed, they did not tell us what it was going to cost us and how much it would cause the quality of our…

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Hydroxychloroquine One More Time Paul Craig Roberts It is a proven undeniable fact that if given early, hydroxychloroqine (HCQ) given with azithromycin and zinc will cure coronavirus.  It is a proven undeniable fact that hydroxychloroquine is safe.  It is an approved medicine and has been in use for 65 years with an outstanding safety record.…

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White Liberals Are Committing Suicide Paul Craig Roberts To be sympathetic with one’s declared enemies is an act of suicide. White liberals, even those in authority in cities being looted and burned, are certainly sympathetic with the enemies of law and order.  The white liberals’ sympathy won’t earn them any brownie points.  Identity Politics and…

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Boston Marathon Bombing Death Sentence Vacated by Federal Court of Appeals Paul Craig Roberts Today the Federal Court of Appeals for the First Circuit vacated the death sentence concocted for one of the alleged bombers of the alleged Boston Marathon bombing of April, 2013, seven years ago.  Some years ago John Remington Graham and I…

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Should We Be Protesting About George Floyd or Julian Assange? Paul Craig Roberts Some Americans are so pathetic they don’t even know what gender they are. A female with a vagina thinks she is a male.  A male with testicles and a penis thinks he is a female.  Those among us who are normal are…

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How Lincoln’s War Was Won Racism was stronger in the North than in the South Paul Craig Roberts This article concludes this seven-part series on Lincoln’s war against the South.  The war ended 155 years ago. In the century and a half since, the war’s history has been falsified and misrepresented as a righteous war by…

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The Bankers’ Blood Money: Secession and Invasion Paul Craig Roberts Defense attorney and constitutional scholar John Remington Graham maintains that despite being two separate countries with different cultures and legislative interests, North and South had been held together by statesmen effecting compromises.  Before differing interests could break them apart, hatred had to be fomented between…

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The Case of Dred Scott Paul Craig Roberts Never before have I seen the case of Dred Scott as completely and accurately presented as John Remington Graham presents it in his monograph, Blood Money: The Civil War and the Federal Reserve ( ), republished below with permission. Dred Scott was a slave who belonged…

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White Liberals Have Destroyed the Prospects of US Multiculturalism Paul Craig Roberts Ron Unz argues that multiculturalism is working. I fervently hope he is correct, but I doubt it.  His example is his high education/high income area of Palo Alto and Silicon Valley, a unique area where people share a professional interest and are judged…

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Do Masks Protect Against Coronavirus? Paul Craig Roberts As I explained recently based on the available studies, N95 and higher masks offer viral protection from inhaling airborn virus.  Surgical masks offer very little if any, and bandanas or cloth masks offer none.   I received a few rude letters from the usual know-it-alls who seldom…

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Trump Should Take A Page From Abe Lincoln  Paul Craig Roberts A white liberal Democrat District Attorney in Philadelphia named Larry Krasner says he will arrest the federal agents sent to Philadelphia by President Trump to protect the life, limb, and property of citizens that Krasner refuses to protect.  According to the white liberal Democrat…

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Do Masks Work? Paul Craig Roberts The claims made by so many that masks don’t work are misleading. Masks that are designed to prevent transmission of viruses do work.  Those that are not designed for this purpose do not serve this purpose.  Dust masks, bandanas, etc., might be helpful in blocking large droplets from an…

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