‘Police have clashed with angry disabled protesters inside the Houses of Parliament after they tried to force their way into Prime Minister’s Questions. Witnesses said one police officer “punched” one of the wheelchair user’s personal carers, while another onlooker said an officer restrained a woman by applying pressure to her neck as the group moved […]

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‘As thousands of Greeks stage massive rallies over the debt crisis, some take to the streets expressing themselves through vibrant contemporary street art – both politically aware and socially engaged.’ Read more: ‘Save Greece from EU prison!’ Desperate debt graffiti daubed all over Athens

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‘Bowing to strong public pressure about the right to buy and drink raw milk, the New Zealand government has unveiled new rules which permit farmers to sell this most basic, probiotic rich and nutritious of foods directly to consumers. Direct farm sales include home deliveries of raw milk to both rural and urban consumers, paving […]

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‘Armenian police have attacked a group of demonstrators protesting in the capital, Yerevan, to show their dissatisfaction with a recent government decision to raise public electricity prices. The Tuesday protest rally turned violent after riot police used water cannon to disperse several hundred demonstrators in Yerevan. Security forces also beat some protesters with rubber batons. […]

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‘Have no doubt, we are a conquered and enslaved nation, and debt is the method of our enslavement. Each made-out-of-thin-air dollar is an invisible link on an invisible chain that keeps us codependent on a corrupt system. Most households are drowning in various forms of debt. It is a way of controlling us; making us […]

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‘Throngs flocked to Athens on Sunday to call on the ruling Syriza party to stand up to international creditors and reject further austerity measures. In the second mass demonstration this week alone, thousands of protesters chanted “No to the euro” and “The people will not be blackmailed.” “We’re here to show there are a lot […]

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‘They gloat and smirk, do not give a damn about those they are deliberately and pitilessly reducing to sub-human status. Well, why would they? The nasty party won a majority, has the mandate to slash and burn the welfare budget. Yesterday, George Osborne and Iain Duncan Smith penned a joint declaration: benefits would be cut […]

The post If you voted for the Tories you consented to the splintering of Britain into six nations appeared first on David Icke.

‘Having found out that the planet has been taken over by elite self-serving psychopaths there inevitably follows the question “what are we going to do about it?” Sure, from a left brain point of view; through analyzing, rationalizing and reasoning there’s been quite a lot of talk in terms of possible answers on how to […]

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‘The price of ignorance towards the NWO (New World Order) agenda could be very costly. Fall for any of its carefully cultivated illusions and you could end up broke, losing property, become seriously ill or even end up dead. Desperate measures are indeed needed for desperate times. Big black totalitarian clouds loom on the horizon… […]

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‘British campaigners demand a review of the queen’s finances after reports that royal spending will not face cuts for at least another couple of years. Anti-monarchy activists urge cuts to Queen Elizabeth II’s multi-million-pound annual income in line with the rest of the nation. They say the current funding formula for the queen must be […]

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