‘Michael Brown. Eric Garner. Tamir Rice. Wenjian Liu. Rafael Ramos. These are just a few of the lives that have been claimed by officer-civilian shootings over the last three years. What happened during these incidents […]

‘They say that ‘the road to tyranny is paved with good intentions’. That old adage couldn’t be more true today, despite all of our seemingly wonderful internet tools and ‘activist’ platforms online. Despite the lessons […]

‘Anti-austerity, anti-bank ‘Blockupy’ protests have rocked Germany as the ECB’s (European Central Bank) new headquarters was scheduled to begin operations. Images of burned police cars and bloody protesters have begun flooding social media. On the […]

‘It appears the ‘people’ are growing more and more dissatisfied with their corrupt and greedy leaders across the world. As we noted recently, Brazil’s economy is imploding, consumer sentiment is at record lows, and with […]

What Lies behind the Anti ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ Discourse ‘The President of the French Republic, François Hollande, has assimilated what he calls “conspiracy theories” to Nazism and called to prevent their dissemination on the Internet and […]

‘Thousands of demonstrators have united across Canada to take action against proposed anti-terrorism legislation known as Bill C-51, which would expand the powers of police and the nation’s spy agency, especially when it comes to […]

‘NATO countries are to all intents and purposes at war with Russia. The US knows it and Russia knows it too. Unfortunately, most of those living in NATO countries remain blissfully ignorant of this fact. […]