‘While most people think of Facebook and Twitter as a way to share photos and exchange comments for fun and news-sharing reasons, residents in Venezuela are turning to social media for something entirely different – and it’s saddening. There, it’s not uncommon for people to barter for the likes of infant formula, medication, batteries and […]

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‘China, India, Iran and Turkey have offered to use the barter system in the food industry with Russia to avoid transactions in dollars, Russian agricultural watchdog aide Alexei Alekseyenko told Sputnik News. “We have been getting suggestions from various countries that accounts should be handled in national currencies, or even using mutual goods, that is […]

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‘Months ago, when Alexis Tsipras, Yanis Varoufakis, and their Syriza compatriots had just swept to power behind an ambitious anti-austerity platform and bold promises about a brighter future for the beleaguered Greek state, we warned that Greece was one or two vacuous threats away from being “digitally bombed back to barter status.” Subsequently, the Greek […]

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‘Whether you believe or not in the fall of the dollar, one thing is clear: we’re all going to have to learn how to barter if we’re gonna survive in a post-apocalyptic world in the (temporary) absence of money. I can think of many reasons for this but the main one is that, even if […]

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