‘The guerrilla video crew that exposed Obamaphone cheaters and shut down the left-wing advocacy group ACORN is at it again, this time hammering the ‘Common Core’ education standards as a scheme for publishers to sell more textbooks. The West Coast sales manager from one of the nation’s biggest school book sellers, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, told […]

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‘The tactics used by the U.S. government extended far beyond traditional warfare and entered the realm of psychological warfare. From the Cold War period until very recently, the U.S. government spent millions of dollars supplying Afghan schoolchildren with propagandized textbooks that had violent images and militant jihadi teachings. The motive behind this propaganda was to […]

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“Great people invariably contain great contradictions, internal self-consistency has no virtue, it merely causes mediocrity. Rather we should strive to make the most of all the selves that we contain, for each can function as a god for a time if the ot…