‘The guerrilla video crew that exposed Obamaphone cheaters and shut down the left-wing advocacy group ACORN is at it again, this time hammering the ‘Common Core’ education standards as a scheme for publishers to sell more textbooks. The West Coast sales manager from one of the nation’s biggest school book sellers, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, told […]

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‘The Southern Poverty Law Center blasted the thousands of parents with legitimate concerns over Common Core as “conspiracy theorists,” even though most criticism against Common Core is directed at its poor teaching methodologies. The controversial group claimed criticism of the federal public school program is based on “outlandish conspiracy theories” and “wildly untrue claims,” but […]

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‘The Daily Signal reports a local news station aired “Homework Helper” videos for parents struggling with Common Core requirements: “When you and I were in school, we used to just memorize 9 plus 6 equals 15. Not anymore. With the Common Core, students need to understand why that’s the case.” This is the introduction to […]

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‘Defenders of the Common Core education standards, including GOP presidential contender Jeb Bush and most of the Democratic candidates, are quick to point out that rather than a centralized sneak attack on states’ rights, the standards were themselves the product of states. Born of an initiative stemming from former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano during […]

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‘More parents than ever before are choosing to homeschool their children, driving a movement that’s grown by 62 percent in the last decade. The National Catholic Register reports that recent data from the U.S. Department of Education shows explosive growth in homeschooling among American families, particularly in the last 10 years, when the number of […]

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‘Public resistance to Common Core is exploding across America, and officials are not happy about it. The Obama administration’s Department of Education, along with pro-Common Core government officials across the country under pressure from the […]

‘The superintendent of the Watchung Hills Regional High School District in New Jersey has confirmed that she sent an email to fellow superintendents Tuesday about her concern that education publishing giant Pearson is “monitoring” children’s […]