‘US Senate Democrats have offered an alternative GMO labeling bill that would require manufacturers to disclose the presence of GMOs to consumers, while still allowing them to choose how to comply with the law. “Rather than blocking consumers’ access to information they want, the US Senate should move forward with a solution that works for […]

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‘In the latest insult to scientific transparency and food consumers everywhere, the U.S. Congress is pushing hard to pass the DARK Act that would outlaw all mandatory GMO labeling nationwide. This act of outrageous food secrecy is being pushed by Monsanto and the evil biotech industry. It’s the latest desperate attempt to keep consumers in […]

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‘A bill pending before the U.S. Senate would not just deny consumers the right to know whether their food contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs), it could also strip states of their right to limit or regulate the use of dangerous herbicide chemicals widely sprayed over fields of GMO crops. The bill in question, which passed […]

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‘Citizens of the U.S. are being denied the right to know what they are feeding their families. Despite the fact that 90 percent of American citizens want GMO labeling on their food, big business is doing everything it can to prevent people from accessing their rights. Representative Pompeo’s bill, popularly known as theDARK Act (Denying […]

The post Vandana Shiva: ‘We Must End Monsanto’s Colonization, Its Enslavement of Farmers’ appeared first on David Icke.

‘On Thursday, 275 members of the U.S. House of Representatives voted in favor of H.R. 1599, the DARK (Deny Americans the Right to Know) Act. By voting for the DARK Act, these politicians voted against truth and transparency, against science, against the more than century-old right of states to legislate on matters relating to food […]

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