‘US Senate Democrats have offered an alternative GMO labeling bill that would require manufacturers to disclose the presence of GMOs to consumers, while still allowing them to choose how to comply with the law. “Rather than blocking consumers’ access to information they want, the US Senate should move forward with a solution that works for […]

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‘In the latest insult to scientific transparency and food consumers everywhere, the U.S. Congress is pushing hard to pass the DARK Act that would outlaw all mandatory GMO labeling nationwide. This act of outrageous food secrecy is being pushed by Monsanto and the evil biotech industry. It’s the latest desperate attempt to keep consumers in […]

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‘The United States Senate has backed new sanctions against North Korea over its nuclear program. The senators unanimously backed North Korea Sanctions and Policy Enhancement Act in a 96-0 vote on Wednesday, arguing the UN Security Council was too slow in stifling the Asian state’s threat. “China, the very entity that could do something about […]

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