Is your “democracy” (or republic) actually a Totalitarian State? That is, is it a “democracy” or “republic” in name only? To find out, take this quick quiz. 1. Does your government (federal, state and local) seize citizens’ assets without due

When do the unlimited powers of the Intelligence/Security agencies threaten America’s domestic and global national interests? The CIA and its political enablers claim the agency’s essentially unlimited powers, partially revealed by Wikileak’s Vault 7, pose no threat to America’s interests,

In the original version of feudalism, peasants armed with pitchforks knew where to go for redress or regime change: the feudal lord’s castle on the hill. Though you won’t find this in conventional narratives of the Middle Ages, peasant revolts

The premier strategy for retaining power is to give the powerless a carefully managed illusion of decision-making and autonomy. Having a say over one’s life and choices is called agency, and it is the illusion of agency that makes democracy such

‘The Nobel-Prize-winning former chief economist of the World Bank, and Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers to the U.S. President, Joseph Stiglitz, went to England to warn the British public, and Parliament, that “no democracy” can support U.S. President Barack Obama’s proposed trade-deals, because all of these have a feature built into them, called […]

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‘The longest-running set of polls ever undertaken in the UK, which has been ongoing for over thirty years has been on trust in key professions with Ipsos MORI conducting surveys on the subject since 1983. Their surveys consistently show that public trust in politicians has always been low: at no point since 1983 have more […]

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‘Labor senator Sam Dastyari has warned there is something “fundamentally wrong and rotten” with Australia’s entire political system, claiming there are 10 huge companies with so much power and influence they have killed proper democratic process at the federal level in this country. In a firebrand speech in Canberra this week, delivered with the enthusiasm […]

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‘The letter, leaked to Friends of the Earth, spells out the Government’s underhand plan to roll out fracking no matter what. Osborne’s recommendations include: Side-stepping democracy – less time spent consulting the public Undermining elected representatives – by helping fracking companies overturn applications rejected by county councils. Carrying out the fracking industry’s PR – spending […]

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‘Modern society despises three sins: laziness, theft and disobedience. Time has been so carefully carved up in our day that not one second is to be wasted. Work has spilled beyond formal hours, carried in our smart phones and our computers. Even leisure feels like work — as people pay hard cash to exercise and […]

The post Can India and Turkey Truly Be Called Democracies If Dissent Isn’t Tolerated? appeared first on David Icke.

Ministers are being accused of subverting the process of law by using a little known device called ‘Statutory instruments’ to force through laws in areas such as fracking, student grants without proper oversight and commons debate. Read more: How the UK Government Uses Arcane Loophole to Bypass Commons and Force Through New Laws

The post How the UK Government Uses Arcane Loophole to Bypass Commons and Force Through New Laws appeared first on David Icke.

‘David Cameron’s Conservative government is seeking to ensure that workers lose their rights whilst Labour loses £6m a year in funding, with the introduction of the trade union bill. Patrick Wintour at the Guardian has described the trade union bill as: ‘The biggest crackdown on trade union rights for 30 years.’ Read more: Tories’ new law […]

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