Identifying the tell-tale signs of Imperial decay and decline is a bit of a parlor game. The hubris of an increasingly incestuous and out-of-touch leadership, dismaying extremes of wealth inequality, self-serving, avaricious Elites, rising dependency of the lower classes on

For any system to endure, it must maintain a built-in capacity to self-correct: that is, it must generate accurate informational feedback about dangerous asymmetries and auto-correct with behavioral feedback. This is true of ecosystems and enterprises as well as political/social

For any system to endure, it must maintain a built-in capacity to self-correct: that is, it must generate accurate informational feedback about dangerous asymmetries and auto-correct with behavioral feedback. This is true of ecosystems and enterprises as well as political/social

There is only one narrative in the mainstream media about populism: it destroys democracy and leads straight to fascism. This is an ignorant and false narrative. Here’s a typical example of the mainstream anguish that the elites’ preferred narratives are

There are many reasons why Imperial Rome declined, but two primary causes that get relatively little attention are moral decay and soaring wealth inequality. The two are of course intimately connected: once the morals of the ruling Elites degrade, what’s

”It is great news for majority of Ecuadorian citizens – but terrible nightmare for the ‘elites’. They no longer feel unique, no longer is this country their huge, private playground and a milking cow. The ‘elites’ still have money and their villas, as well as servants, luxury cars and regular trips to those lands they […]

The post Ecuador Fights for Survival – Against its Elites appeared first on David Icke.

There is no substitute for the discipline of a market that cannot be manipulated by political elites. It’s not that difficult to understand why the euro is doomed to fail. Given its structure, there is no other possible outcome but

There is no substitute for the discipline of a market that cannot be manipulated by political elites. It’s not that difficult to understand why the euro is doomed to fail. Given its structure, there is no other possible outcome but