‘After failing to criminally prosecute any of the financial firms responsible for the market collapse in 2008, former Attorney General Eric Holder is returning to Covington & Burling, a corporate law firm known for serving Wall Street clients. The move completes one of the more troubling trips through the revolving door for a cabinet secretary. […]

The post Eric Holder Returns as Hero to Law Firm That Lobbies for Big Banks appeared first on David Icke.

Due process and rule of law have been replaced with “legalized” looting by government in America. Did you know that the government of Iran steals your cash if they find more than loose change in your car? They don’t arrest

Due process and rule of law have been replaced with “legalized” looting by government in America. Did you know that the government of Iran steals your cash if they find more than loose change in your car? They don’t arrest

England is globally upheld as the home of democracy. In reality, a country ruled in the interests of an unelected head of state (HMRH Queen), an unelected second chamber (House of Lords – filled with parasites like HSBC’s Lord Green),

England is globally upheld as the home of democracy. In reality, a country ruled in the interests of an unelected head of state (HMRH Queen), an unelected second chamber (House of Lords – filled with parasites like HSBC’s Lord Green),