“Alarm bells have been ringing over the explosion of corporate debt levels in emerging economies, which now exceed $25 trillion … Damaging deflationary spirals cannot be ruled out”. This grim assessment comes from an article posted at Telegraph.co.uk, that quotes a  recent annual UN

In the September Tax Justice Network podcast, the Taxcast: How a conman can devastate the lives of thousands of ordinary people, aided and abetted by the offshore industry – with banks, law firms and accountants all happy to look the

The real product of the Fed these days is not monetary policy but disbelief. People can’t believe the amount of speculation, conversation and outright complexity that results in… nothing. Yellen is basically presiding over the deflation of the Fed’s reputation.

“If it was a choice between the right decision and a political decision… The Fed would choose the political decision.” A few days ago, Donald Trump made this blunt statement and then added that the market “will remain at artificially high levels until January

In past issues, we’ve documented increasingly concerned billionaires warning of dangerous economic times. Many have favored gold as an alternative allocation in a world where $13 trillion-worth of debt is negative yielding, interest rates are artificially suppressed and we’re on

In past issues, we’ve documented increasingly concerned billionaires warning of dangerous economic times. Many have favored gold as an alternative allocation in a world where $13 trillion-worth of debt is negative yielding, interest rates are artificially suppressed and we’re on

Centuries ago banks actually stored real money (gold) and gave their customers paper receipts which made transferring and transporting easier. Then as time went by, banks just began storing currency. Unbacked fiat paper is not money. In those days the

When you watch mainstream media or listen to central bankers, gold is constantly deemed to be the redheaded stepchild of the investment industry. Just that alone, is unbelievable, considering that gold has been one of the best performing investments of

Thomas D. Conrad, Ph.D. is a highly ranked hedge fund manager with World Opportunity Master Fund and president of Financial Management Corporation. His flagship World Opportunity Master Fund, LP, is an international hedge fund that operates globally as a fund-of-hedge-funds.

The multi-day Brexit gold surge back in June was the biggest upward move since 2008 with gold rallying  4.5% the day after the vote. Yesterday, gold had its biggest one-day rally since, rising 1.6%. This came on the back of Goldman

Members of the G20 countries are meeting in China this week with an expressed goal of “fighting anti-globalism sentiments”. You see, the global elites are rewriting the rules of the economy to help usher in a new world order that,

Bitcoin.org, a self-reported objective information site in the Bitcoin space, has warned that the Bitcoin Core wallet — the official wallet of Bitcoin — is ripe for an attack. “Bitcoin.org has reason to suspect that the binaries for the upcoming