Disagreement is part of discourse, and pursuing differing views of the best way forward is the heart of democracy. Disagreement is abundant, democracy is scarce, despite claims to the contrary. If you think you can surgically extract Empire from the

If the continuing depression in precious metal prices has a silver lining, it is the enormous surge in demand world-wide for silver.  With most mints & brokers experiencing higher than expected demand for silver coins, many are having to set weekly sales

There are many reasons why Imperial Rome declined, but two primary causes that get relatively little attention are moral decay and soaring wealth inequality. The two are of course intimately connected: once the morals of the ruling Elites degrade, what’s

– Stocks face worst quarter since 2011 over fears for global economy – Global economy concern as China slows down sharply – Concern re Federal Reserve stewardship – Increasing nervousness re U.S. earnings outlook – Stock markets of the world’s ten

The physical silver shortage just turned surreal…     With silver slammed back under $15 yet again Monday, the retail silver shortage, now in its 3rd month, continues to worsen. As SilverDoctors readers are well aware, the Royal Canadian Mint and the US

I am often amused by the Western media’s readiness to attribute godlike powers of long-term planning and Sun-Tzu-like strategic brilliance to China’s leadership. A well-known anecdote illustrates the point. Zhou Enlai, Premier of China in the Mao era, who when

As a result of Ron Paul’s decision to run for President under the Republican ticket in 2008 and 2012, as well as the explosive popularity of his message, many people naively assumed the GOP was the obvious vessel under which libertarianism and/or

We discuss the days of rage and killer cereal as apps and ponzis are the only avenue to wealth. In the second half, Max interviews Matt Harms of StartChat about cryptocurrencies in the Netherlands, crowdfunding innovation and bypassing the banking