As you probably know by now, it turns out lemmings didn’t voluntarily commit mass suicide: they were driven off the cliff by those in charge. Lemming Suicide Myth: Disney Film Faked Bogus Behavior. Investors in stocks, bonds and real estate

As you probably know by now, it turns out lemmings didn’t voluntarily commit mass suicide: they were driven off the cliff by those in charge. Lemming Suicide Myth: Disney Film Faked Bogus Behavior. Investors in stocks, bonds and real estate

Don’t mess with Texas. Particularly if you happen to be a person who enjoys the freedom to purchase lemonade from two adorable little girls trying to raise money to buy their dad a Father’s Day gift. In that case, you better

“They went from set for life here in Zimbabwe to not being able to afford a loaf of bread in 2 days.” (Spoiler Alert: No, they were not holding gold…) Click here for Must Read 1st Person Account of Losing

Cyberwarfare Threat To Nuclear, Banking and Financial System – Legacy of stuxnet is risk posed to technology dependent world – 20 countries have launched cyberwarfare programmes since exposure of stuxnet in 2010 – Stuxnet virus targeted safety mechanisms in Iran’s