Tag: Headlines
Complacency Reigns Supreme–Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong, Right?
So by all means, buy the dip now that the VIX soared in full-blown panic from 12 to 17. One of the more remarkable features of the Bull market in stocks is the ascendancy of complacency and the banishing of…
Complacency Reigns Supreme–Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong, Right?
So by all means, buy the dip now that the VIX soared in full-blown panic from 12 to 17. One of the more remarkable features of the Bull market in stocks is the ascendancy of complacency and the banishing of…
Will Cash Always Be Trash, Or Will It One Day Be King?
When the phantom wealth evaporates and risk assets go bidless, cash will once again be king, for the simple reason there will be so little of it. Occasionally it’s a good idea to step away from the daily grind to…
Ain’t campaigning hell.
Boris Johnson connects with the working class as he starts his election campaign.
Why we need Bitcoin despite its flaws
“In a potential future ‘cashless society’, I want Bitcoin to exist. I want something that feels roughly like electronic cash, something that can exist as a marginal counterpower outside the walled gardens of mainstream payments… And like coins, I expect Bitcoin…
Russell Brand: “Come to trew era cafe – ask for StartCOIN scratch cards – then you can fund more trew news banners” @rustyrockets
Come to trew era cafe – ask for StartCOIN scratch cards – then you can fund more trew news banners https://t.co/SWVWbi6fxt — Russell Brand (@rustyrockets) March 28, 2015
Meet the Overseas Contingency Operations Account – Washington D.C.’s Crony Capitalist War Slush Fund
Many people will read this post, and posts like it, and shrug their shoulders saying that there’s always going to be corruption. True; however, there are degrees of corruption. When empires such as the U.S. attain a certain level of corruption…
Risk of ‘World War’ between NATO and Russia on Ukraine as Yemen Bombed
Risk of ‘World War’ between NATO and Russia on Ukraine as Yemen Bombed MARKET UPDATE – Gold looks set for second consecutive week of gains – Japan’s QE fails – Returns to zero inflation – ‘Master of the universe’ central bank speeches…
The ART & WAR Show – Episode 1 from @Bach_Peter Thanks to @startjoin and @start_coin
@ilovemondays1 @StartJOIN @stacyherbert @maxkeiser @Trews Here it is: http://t.co/VBeGijyHZ8
— Peter Bach (@bach_peter) March 27, 2015
Congratulations to the Trews Awning Takeover project. You just received a free £250 top up. @rustyrockets
Congratulations to the Trews Awning Takeover project. You just received a free £250 top up
https://t.co/qS6SZyz7zv #fundfriday — StartJOIN (@StartJOIN) March 27, 2015