‘Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler’s book on his political ideology and plans for Germany, has been republished in Germany following a decades-long ban. Hitler’s political testament hit the bookshops in Germany on Friday, for the first time in 70 years. Since World War II, the Allies had refused to allow the republication of the banned book […]

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‘Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has reiterated his desire to ensure Turkey adopts a presidential system of government and has even cited Adolf Hitler’s Germany as an example of how this can be achieved. Speaking at a news conference, Erdogan was asked by a journalist whether Turkey would be able to keep a unitary structure […]

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‘An annotated version of Hitler’s infamous “Mein Kampf,” banned in Germany for decades, will hit the bookshelves in January. Now it will become part of the school curriculum to “immunize” teenagers against fascist ideas, the German Teachers’ Association says. On Friday, German Teachers’ Association and the Social Democrats proposed that Hitler’s autobiographical Nazi manifesto be […]

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‘Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly asserted that Adolf Hitler had no intention of exterminating Europe’s Jews until a Palestinian persuaded him to do it. The Israeli prime minister’s attempt to whitewash Hitler and lay the blame for the Holocaust at the door of Palestinians signals a major escalation of his incitement against and demonization of the […]

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‘Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not known for his nuance, but his disregard for historical facts themselves took a new turn today as he claimed, in a speech in Israel, that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler actually did not want to exterminate Jews until a Palestinian religious leader convinced him otherwise.’ Read more: Israel’s Netanyahu Makes […]

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‘The Nazis may have been close to creating an atomic bomb and a ‘flying saucer’ to deliver it in the final days of the war. Tests of the device were even said to have been carried out on Russian prisoners of war, according to a new German TV documentary. ‘The Search for Hitler’s Atom Bomb,’ […]

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