There are two attractive delusions that are ever-present in financial markets:One is this time it’s different, because of unique conditions that have never ever manifested before in the history of the world, and the second is there are no cycles, they are

‘Housing in many countries, especially Britain is no longer an investment, it’s now made up of three fundamentals; consumption, crime and concern. The general public getting on the bandwagon with cheap loans is consumption. The crime slot is taken now that over 40% of Britain’s housing stock is bought in cash with property used as […]

The post Britain’s House Price Crash – 2016 Predictions Mount appeared first on David Icke.

  ‘A recent report issued to the Bank of England has revealed that the actions of George Osborne may be about to trigger a financial crisis greater than 2007, and once again, it will start in the housing market. The Chancellor has been aware for some time, that there has been a bubble in the […]

The post George Osborne may have just triggered a Financial Crisis ‘greater than 2007’ appeared first on David Icke.

‘The only proof you need that many Californians are still living in a water fairy tale is the fact that California real estate prices haven’t yet collapsed. Even as the California Governor has declared a […]