To say that the future of money is blockchain-based crypto-currencies and payment platforms is to state the obvious nowadays. If this wasn’t the case, then why are Goldman Sachs et al. (i.e. the global too big to fail banks) rushing

Whatever you think of former Fed chair Alan Greenspan, he is one of the few public voices identifying runaway entitlement costs as a structural threat to the economy and nation. We can summarize Greenspan’s comments very succinctly:there is no free

‘Due to a “perfect storm” of inflationary factors – not the least of which being the continuing drop in oil prices – Canadians are seeing the effects of a weakening currency reflected in food prices at the supermarket. $3 cucumbers, $8 for a head of cauliflower, grapes at $10 per bag – the spiraling cost […]

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We are constantly bombarded with two messages about inflation: 1. Inflation is near-zero 2. This worries the Federal Reserve terribly, because stable prices are deflationary and deflation is (for reasons that are never explained) like the financial Black Plague that will

From the point of view of history, a reversion to generational lows is inevitable, and a valuation level around 50% of GDP for stocks is a fair target. If we look back to 1981 valuations of stocks and bonds as

ECB To Print Trillion Euros – Gold Could Surge 40% In 15 Minutes Against Euro, Other Currencies Mario Draghi is preparing to unveil QE today as the ECB looks certain to announce it’s much anticipated quantitative easing (QE) programme. The