Judging by October’s rocket launch, the stock market is back to where it should be, i.e. in rally mode. Yee-haw! All it took to keep the party going was another rate cut in China, another “whatever it takes” assurance from

Currency Wars – Russia and Netherlands Buy 30 Tonnes Gold In December Russia and surprisingly the Netherlands were the largest central bank buyers in December – accumulating a significant 30.34 tonnes between them as currency wars intensify. Demand for gold

Currency Wars – Russia and Netherlands Buy 30 Tonnes Gold In December Russia and surprisingly the Netherlands were the largest central bank buyers in December – accumulating a significant 30.34 tonnes between them as currency wars intensify. Demand for gold

Euro Gold Surges To EUR 1,168 After Greek Election Landslide The crushing victory of the Greek opposition party Syriza in yesterday’s Greek elections has added to jitters in already jittery financial and foreign exchange markets. The euro tumbled and gold

 Gold Surges As ECB To Print Trillion Euros and ‘Grexit’ Election Sunday Stocks, bonds and precious metals surged yesterday as markets cheered the latest wave of money printing on a grand scale. Gold surged 3 per cent in euro terms

ECB To Print Trillion Euros – Gold Could Surge 40% In 15 Minutes Against Euro, Other Currencies Mario Draghi is preparing to unveil QE today as the ECB looks certain to announce it’s much anticipated quantitative easing (QE) programme. The