‘Republican US presidential candidate Jeb Bush says his brother, former President George W. Bush, is not responsible for the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States. “Look, my brother responded to a crisis, and he did it as you would hope a president would do,” Bush told CNN on Sunday, after leading White […]

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‘Dreams are one of the most fascinating aspects of the human experience. For thousands of years, the dream state has puzzled the greatest minds in human history. What are dreams? Why do we dream? What do they mean? We still do not have all the answers to these questions. But, what we do know is […]

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‘Saudi Arabia said in an interview this week that following 9/11, Saudi King Salman had insisted to him that the Mossad was responsible for the attacks. “One of my first calls was with then-governor of Riyadh… Prince Salman, who is now the king. His response was very emphatic [that]this could not have been Saudis, we […]

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‘9/11 appears to have been a classic “false flag” operation in which an attack is planned by one source but blamed upon another. In this case, the evidence suggests neo-cons in the Department of Defense and their allies in the Mossad were actually responsible for the execution of the atrocities of 9/11. That story was […]

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