Insurance and FinTech have largely remained on opposite sides of the spectrum, until recently. Financial technology companies paid scant attention to the insurance industry, preferring to focus on peer to peer lending, Forex, and payments. That trend is changing. FinTech

‘Drivers who regularly take their car out in bad weather could see their insurance premiums go up, thanks to new in-car technology. A black box device is being used by an increasing number of insurance firms in order to track people’s driving habits. Factors such as speed, braking and acceleration are recorded in order to […]

The post Driving In Rain Could Make Your Insurance Go Up Due To New In-Car Tech appeared first on David Icke.

President Obama’s supporters are quick to tout his record as one of tremendous success, especially his “reform” of health care, but that is largely because they like him personally – not because Obamacare has been a rousing success. By any measure the law, which has routinely been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court as constitutional […]

The post Health insurers seek huge price increases as ‘affordable’ Obamacare coverage exposed as yet another government price-gouging scam appeared first on David Icke.

‘Imagine for a moment that you are the newly re-elected Conservative Prime Minister, and you want to launch an inquiry into whether the NHS should be paid for in future through user charges and insurance, not through tax. But you’ve got a problem – you’ve just won an election without breathing a word that you […]

The post Government proposes inquiry into moving to a ‘pay NHS’ appeared first on David Icke.

  ‘With previous Conservative governments, as bad as they were, essential state services such as Health and Education weren’t privatised. How things now look set to change as David Cameron is setting the stage for the privatization of the National Health Service. The biggest risk to the NHS is the introduction of an American model […]

The post Monstrous Vampires: Cameron And Friends About To Bleed The NHS Dry appeared first on David Icke.

That good health is insanely unprofitable was highlighted by a staggering statistic in the recent research paper The Concentration of Health Care Spending: Mean annual spending for the bottom half of (the American population) distribution was just $236 per person,

‘According to the site, thousands of people have complained of tinnitus, headaches, nausea, sleeplessness, heart arrhythmia, and other symptoms after a ‘smart’ meter was installed. The ongoing research results and evidence of the health […]

Guarantees based on extracting higher taxes, borrowing trillions of dollars and creating trillions more out of thin air only guarantee eventual systemic implosion. It is difficult for those living through tectonic social and economic shifts to recognize the passing of