‘British Cabinet Secretary Sir Jeremy Heywood has fired back at critics who accused him of delaying the publication of the Chilcot Inquiry report into the legality of the UK’s involvement in the Iraq War. The report, which was commissioned six years ago, has faced repeated delays. Critics have suggested that by blocking the release of […]

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‘Republican US presidential candidate Jeb Bush says his brother, former President George W. Bush, is not responsible for the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States. “Look, my brother responded to a crisis, and he did it as you would hope a president would do,” Bush told CNN on Sunday, after leading White […]

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‘A damning White House memo has revealed details of the so-called “deal in blood” forged by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and US President George W. Bush over the Iraq war. The document, titled “Secret… Memorandum for the President”, was sent by then-US Secretary of State Colin Powell to President Bush on March 28, […]

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Jeremy Corbyn is to apologise at the Labour Party Conference to the British public and the world for taking the UK to war in Iraq in 2003. He also is expected to say that Labour has learned its lesson and will not make the same mistake again. Former Labour Party leader Tony Blair took Britain […]

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‘The Chilcot report on the Iraq War may only come out next June because it was ‘so badly written’ that military chiefs have forced the inquiry to be reopened, it’s been reported. Author Tom Bower, who says he’s interviewed 180 cabinet, Army and Whitehall figures for a new book, has made the shock claim after […]

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‘Sir John Chilcot yesterday attempted to shift the blame for delays to his inquiry onto the government as he delivered a blunt legal riposte to families of dead soldiers who have threatened to sue him. After weeks of criticism Sir John said in a public statement that his six year inquiry has been delayed because […]

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‘Tony Blair and his inner circle will escape full blame in the Chilcot report over Britain’s controversial invasion of Iraq, it has been reported. The long-awaited public inquiry, which has been plagued by a series of delays, will reportedly share the responsibility of the 2003 invasion beyond the former Prime Minister and his closest advisors. […]

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‘Demands to delay military intervention in Syria until after the Iraq inquiry has been published were brushed aside by Downing Street yesterday. MPs are expected to be asked to sanction a fresh bombing campaign against Islamic State terrorists in Iraq as early as October. Some MPs have warned that no fresh military intervention in the […]

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‘Dozens of documents which could finally reveal the truth about Tony Blair’s reasons for invading Iraq have been suppressed by the White House after a year-long fight for their release by The Mail on Sunday. A cache of more than 80 files detailing discussions between Mr Blair and George W Bush in the run-up to […]

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‘The head of the Armed Forces has hired his own private lawyers to help rebut criticism of him in Sir John Chilcot’s Iraq inquiry report, the Daily Mail can reveal. General Sir Nicholas Houghton – Chief of the Defence Staff – has rejected free government legal advice and is understood to be one of those […]

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‘Sir John Chilcot fears a legal onslaught from those who are sharply criticized in his Iraq War Inquiry report and is refusing to be pressured into setting a concrete deadline for its release, a source familiar with the inquiry says. Chilcot has refused to issue a precise timetable for publishing the report until all those […]

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‘Jeremy Corbyn will apologise on behalf of Labour for the Iraq War if he wins the leadership next month. The left-wing frontrunner said Labour must finally say sorry for the “deception” which took Britain to war in 2003. And he hinted he may not support extending British military action against Islamic State to Syria in […]

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‘Leading figures in the British political Establishment are behind a plot to discredit the Chilcot inquiry by portraying the panel members as “bumbling incompetents” who cannot deliver their report on time, it has been claimed. The Independent has spoken to several inquiry sources furious at the increasing pressure being imposed by No 10 and Whitehall […]

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‘Bereaved UK families who lost sons and daughters in the illegal invasion of Iraq have now threatened legal action against Sir John Chilcot who headed the near two year long, £10m Iraq Inquiry (30th July 2009 – 2nd February 2011) if a date for release of Inquiry findings is not announced publicly within two weeks. […]

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