‘How many times have we seen a major corporation exposed for malfeasance attempt to bury its wrongdoings with a feigned apology, followed by efforts to sweep the whole thing under the rug and continue with business as usual? A new study out of Finland takes a closer look at this common tactic among corporations to […]

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‘French data privacy regulator, CNIL, has turned down Google’s appeal against removing data on a global level from search engine results falling under the ‘right to be forgotten’ adopted in Europe. The EU’s ‘right to be forgotten’ (RTBF) allows citizens to demand search engines delete links to pages that appear when searching their name if […]

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‘Did democracy just get downgraded (yet again)? Social engineering is now a dated practice, that has undoubtedly influenced nearly all our lives for the past century in ways that many of us perhaps don’t notice. I have a book titled Social Control from 1901, by Edward Alsworth Ross, that as the dust jacket explains, “formulated […]

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‘J. E. Curtis, Keeper of the British Museum’s Middle East collections, was on grim business in Iraq. Armed occupiers held an ancient city there—“tantamount to establishing a military camp around the Great Pyramid in Egypt or around Stonehenge in Britain,” he wrote. The site was “irrevocably contaminated,” he added, suffering “permanent damage that will last […]

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