‘America the police state has become a labyrinth of rules, regulations and mandates, the amount of which is impossible to know, let alone comply with. But you know, that ol’ “ignorance of the law is no excuse” excuse wielded by faceless, un-elected bureaucrats wins out every time against the hapless, helpless citizen. In fact, some […]

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‘The prime minister will call for a revolution in child rearing this weekend by suggesting that all parents should attend classes on how to discipline their children. In a move likely to enrage those fearful of an encroaching “nanny state”, David Cameron will say that it should be the norm for parents to receive instruction […]

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‘Seattle is on the cutting edge of nanny state-ism with a new citywide ban on throwing any compostable material into the trash, no matter how gross, smelly or disgusting it might be. If the cops in Seattle want to dig through a city resident’s garbage to look for evidence of a crime, they have to […]

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‘As part of an assault on childhood obesity, the Government allows school staff the power to seize children’s meals they judge to be “unhealthy or inappropriate”. As part of guidelines on lunchbox searches, teachers are also expected to consult and discuss healthy eating plans with pupils’ parents. The Department of Education claims schools and teachers […]

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With all of the ridiculous new regulations, coddling, and societal mores that seem to be the norm these days, it’s a miracle those of us over 30 survived our childhoods.’ Here’s the problem with all of this babying: it creates a society of weenies. There won’t be more more rebels because this generation has been […]

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‘The SNP is to create a £12million database containing medical details about every child in Scotland, with officials admitting the trove of information could be stored abroad. It will work alongside the controversial Named Person […]

Taking a child away from its parents is one of the most serious and emotionally traumatizing things you can do. Anyone tasked with such extraordinary power should take the responsibility extremely seriously. Unfortunately, that’s not how Child Protective Services (CPS) in Kansas

‘Toddlers could be placed in state-run “development centres” to give the Scottish government more control over how future generations are raised. Ministers are concerned that some children, particularly in deprived areas, are failing to thrive […]

It’s one thing for an 80 year old to nostalgically lament that things aren’t as they used to be. The problem is, I’m only 36 years old and this country already barely resembles the place I grew up in. I’ve