‘Unfortunately, a copyright claim has limited the ability -temporarily- to be able to watch online the riveting documentary by Paul Moreira, “Ukraine, les masques de la révolution” [Ukraine: Masks of the Revolution]. The producers at least have some legal basis to put a stop to viewing this video online. On the other hand, Ukraine trying […]

The post Will the West Finally Admit the ‘Dirty Truth’ Behind the So-Called Ukraine Revolution, Revealed by French Documentary appeared first on David Icke.

‘Macedonia’s political leaders have reached agreement on an interim government and an independent investigation into allegations of illegal wiretapping, electoral fraud and state-backed corruption in the former Yugoslav republic.Political leaders said the deal brought to an end a poisonous political dispute in the EU candidate country, which had been gripped by mass demonstrations and deadly […]

The post ‘Fuck’ the EU Nuland Uses Doctored Wiretaps To Pull-Off Another Regime Change, This One In Macedonia appeared first on David Icke.

‘Allegedly “Turkish people” stormed Thailand’s consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, yet the mob was clearly carrying the blue and white flag of the non-existent state of “East Turkistan” – a region the US hopes to carve out of what is currently China’s Xinjiang region. Mobs brandishing the blue and white flag of the fictional state of […]

The post Thailand Consulate Attacked in Turkey. Latest Blow in US-China Proxy War appeared first on David Icke.

‘On June 19, Armenians began protesting an announced 17 – 22% electricity price increase amounting to about $85 more annually for most Armenians. Utility and other price increases happen often in countries worldwide – not generally a cause for large street protests continuing for days, at times violent resulting in police using water cannons and […]

The post Attempted US Colour Revolution in Armenia? appeared first on David Icke.

‘Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has accused Russia of increasing its military presence in his country, something Moscow firmly denies, and said that Ukraine would fight “Russian aggression” “until the last drop of blood.” In an […]

‘Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has accused Russia of increasing its military presence in his country, something Moscow firmly denies, and said that Ukraine would fight “Russian aggression” “until the last drop of blood.” In an […]

‘“A terrorist group of well over 40 well-armed people entered Macedonia illegally . . . About two weeks ago, authorities said the group of 40 wearing UCK uniforms attacked a police watchtower in Gosince on […]

‘The U.S.’news’ media are so censored and controlled, so that even America’s ‘media watchdog’ organizations — mediamatters.org and fair.org on the left; and aim.org and mrc.org on the right — have hidden from the American […]