‘US Defense Secretary Ash Carter has said the Pentagon plans to defeat Islamic State militants by helping local forces to retake Mosul and Raqqa. The Pentagon chief also said a commando task force is already on the ground in Iraq. Carter was speaking at Fort Campbell on Wednesday to soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division […]

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‘Putting aside a sudden crisis with Iran, President Barack Obama on Tuesday urged Americans in his final State of the Union address to reject the politics of tribalism and fear that have rocked the campaign to find his successor and to build a “clear-eyed, big-hearted” and “optimistic” nation. Delivering his annual report to the nation, […]

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‘US President Barack Obama will keep his promise to close the American military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, before his presidency ends in 11 months, according to the White House. Obama will first provide Congress with a long-awaited plan about how to close the detention facility, and seek its approval, White House Chief of Staff […]

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‘Clear evidence shows Washington uses ISIS and other terrorist groups as imperial foot soldiers in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere. Its so-called war on terror is a complete hoax, the media perpetuating the myth. Iraqi parliamentarian Awatif Naima accused US forces of “expanding their heliborne operations in Huweija, Beiji and Sharqat…with the goal of assisting the […]

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‘President Barack Obama has vetoed legislation that would have repealed much of Obamacare and defunded Planned Parenthood. It is the first time the president has used his power of veto to defend his signature healthcare legislation. “This legislation would not only repeal parts of the Affordable Care Act, but would reverse the significant progress we […]

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‘Theatrics in politics is nothing new, but this is just a little over-the-top, even for this entertainer-and-chief. During President Barack Obama’s landmark New Year’s TV address on ‘gun control’ he grew visibly emotional when invoking Newtown, Connecticut, with bountiful tears arriving in good measure. While right-wing commentators were incensed, left-wing media pundits were understandably blown […]

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‘In her 2013 book “The Body Language Of Liars,” behavioral analyst Lillian Glass wrote that psychopaths are really bad at crying: “When psychopaths cry, they will often wipe underneath each eye, one at a time. When people cry genuine tears they cry with both eyes, and so they will tend to wipe both eyes at […]

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——————————————————————————————————————— We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook – NEW 2015 Documentary

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‘Americans critical of government could have their Second Amendment rights restricted if psychologists diagnose them with “Oppositional Defiant Disorder” or a similar diagnosis as a result of Obama’s new gun control executive action. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: Fifth Edition (DSM-5), which the American Psychiatric Association uses for psychiatric diagnosis, defines “oppositional […]

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‘As President Obama rolls out new executive rules on guns that could eventually result in some otherwise law-abiding Americans losing their Second Amendment rights, the governor of one state has a message for the White House: “COME AND TAKE IT.” That was a message tweeted out recently by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, in response to […]

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‘The real-estate tycoon claimed he had predicted the rise of Daesh in the Middle East, citing his calls on the Obama administration to target the group’s oil assets in the militant-controlled territories. “They have a bunch of dishonest people. They’ve created ISIS [Daesh]. Hillary Clinton created ISIS with Obama,” Trump announced to a cheering croud […]

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‘On Wednesday evening, the seventh season of Jerry Seinfeld’s Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee premiered online, featuring President Barack Obama. The duo cruised around in a Corvette, touring the grounds of the White House, chatting comfortably. Perhaps the most noteworthy aspect of the conversation was when Seinfeld asked the president, “how many world leaders do […]

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‘President Barack Obama is expected to take executive action on gun control, possibly as soon as next week, according to gun control advocates. The specifics of Obama’s executive order are still unknown as the plan is still not finished, CNN reported. However, gun control advocates are prepared for the actions to be unveiled sometime next […]

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