War Criminal Dwight D. Eisenhower https://www.big-lies.org/eisenhower-death-camps/BACQUE-James-Saturday-Night-1989–Eisenhower-death-camps.pdf The Real WW 2 Genocide Was Committed Against Germans by the “Great Western Democracies” You can still get these books from Amazon: A Terrible Revenge by Alfred Maurice de Zayas Other Losses by James Bacque Crimes and Mercies by James Bacque After the Reich by Giles MacDonogh Gruesome Harvest…

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The US Government Murders As Many People With Sanctions As It Does With Its War Crime Invasions
This has been going on since the Clinton regime murdered 500,000 Iraqi children with sanctions against medicines. Now the Trump regime is doing the same to…

Will the Senior-Level FBI Agents, Who Placed Spies in the Trump Campaign, Ever be Held Accountable?
See also: https://cons…

The Veto Paul Craig Roberts Here is real journalism, a profession that is no longer practiced by the print and TV media in the Western world. Indeed, the Western media are now known as presstitutes, because they are devoid of all integrity and all humanity. This film, The Veto, shows how CNN, Channel 4, and…

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Assange’s Arrest Is a Hideous Illegal Act Professor Michel Chossudovsky points out that yet again an honest, brave truth teller, this time Julian Assange, is being punished by those whose murderous crimes he exposed. The corrupt whores who comprise the Western media have aligned with the murderers against the truth teller. “The unspoken objective of…

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology liberarian condemns libraries because they proliferate whiteness and white male oppression What to do? Burn down the libraries? Is the West commiting cultural self-genocide? Is this what happens when white people bring their opponents into their camp? Is there any Western institution that hasn’t brought the Trojan Horse of multiculturalism inside…

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