French Intelligence Reports:
Anglo-Americans Responsible for Assassination of Donetsk Leader, Zakharchenko
The post Anglo-…

Chuck Baldwin Sums It Up: Trump Blew It Paul Craig Roberts As further evidence for Chuck Baldwin’s view, I add Trump’s UN speech yesterday. There was Trump patting Washington on the back for its good deeds and humanitarian and democratic concerns for other countries, which apparently includes Washington’s destruction in whole or part of eight…

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Chuck Baldwin Sums It Up: Trump Blew It Paul Craig Roberts As further evidence for Chuck Baldwin’s view, I add Trump’s UN speech yesterday. There was Trump patting Washington on the back for its good deeds and humanitarian and democratic concerns for other countries, which apparently includes Washington’s destruction in whole or part of eight…

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Whatever Happened to Leadership? Cynthia McKinney has raised an issue that I was wondering about. Where were the parents of the 15 year-old girl that is now accusing Kavanaugh of something far short of rape that happened when they were high school kids in the 1980s? Where were the parents of the home in which…

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Identity Politics Has Succeeded In Controlling Speech in the Literary & Academic Worlds The wrong word can end a career. Ian Buruma and the age of sexual McCarthyism Toby Young September 20, 2018 The New York Review of Books editor is the latest casualty of the identitarian mob. Those unfamiliar with the politics of New…

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Europe Descends Into Tyranny Italian Journalist Maurizio Blondet notes that France has adopted the Soviet Union’s method of dealing with political dissidents. Tyranny is institutionalized in the EU which has no regard for the opinions of the peoples whose governments signed away their liberties by submerging the identities of countries into a tyrannical European institution.…

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Europe Descends Into Tyranny Italian Journalist Maurizio Blondet notes that France has adopted the Soviet Union’s method of dealing with political dissidents. Tyranny is institutionalized in the EU which has no regard for the opinions of the peoples whose governments signed away their liberties by submerging the identities of countries into a tyrannical European institution.…

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Introduction by PCR: In this article economist Michael Hudson points out that in a financialized economy economic growth tends to slow to zero and then enter negative territory as debt service draws away from the purchase of goods and services more and more of consumers’ disposable income. As disposable income shrinks, so does consumer demand…

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Bob Woodward Says Russiagate Is Devoid of Evidence John V. Walsh points out that the presstitutes and Democratic Party are making a sensation out of Bob Woodward’s book, Fear, but ignore Woodward’s most sensational statement. Woodward says that for two years he searched as hard as he could to uncover evidence of a Trump/Russia connection…

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