Washington Continues to Aid and Abet Israel’s Crimes Against Humanity
The post Washington Continues to Aid and Abet Israel’s Crimes Against Humanity appeared first on Pa…

The West Has Thrown Itself Into The Dustbin Of History “When in history have we seen a civilization turn on itself with such savagery as we see in the West today? What civilizations of the past or present have repudiated themselves and their cultural foundations with such focused intent, then invited in masses of others…

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Florida Cops Laundered Millions For Drug Cartels, Failed To Make A Single Arrest
The post Florida…

Florida Cops Laundered Millions For Drug Cartels, Failed To Make A Single Arrest
The post Florida…

One of the few remaining intelligent and courageous voices in America tells us that the lights are about to go out Welcome to the Dick Cheney Administration By Stephen M. Walt The problem with John Bolton isn’t that he’s an extremist. It’s that he’s mainstream. “Don’t get me wrong: I’m not trying to “normalize” this…

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What Happened To The West I Was Born In?! By The Saker All I see [in the West] today is a submissive herd lead by true, bona fide, psychopaths (in a clinical sense of the word). And that is not the worst thing. The worst thing, Saker says, is that it is leading to nuclear…

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Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Summons Ambassadors To A Meeting On Skripal Case
The post Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Summons Ambassadors To A Meeting On Skripal Case appeared first on Pau…

Washington Has Declared Hegemony or War Paul Craig Roberts I agree with Stephen Lendman (below) that the Russian government’s efforts to deal with the West on the basis of evidence and law are futile.  There is only one Western foreign policy and it is Washington’s.  Washington’s “diplomacy” consists only of lies and force.  It was…

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As I wrote, if Trump appoints John Bolton National Security Adviser, prepare to die. Diana Johnstone explains why in Bolton: As Bad As It Gets If Trump is good at firing, it is because he is so bad at hiring. Donald Trump came to office having made noises favorable to normalizing relations with Russia and…

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This is a translation by Costantino Ceoldo of an article by the well known Italian war correspondent Gian Micalessin reporting from the scene on the latest attrocity committed against Syrian civilians by the Western-armed and supported mercenaries sent to destabilize Syria and throw the counry into chaos, like Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Yeman. These attrocities are…

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This from a reader: It’s strange that a British-American intelligence TV drama Strike Back had several episodes featuring Novichok nerve agent and Evil Russkies last year. Someone orchestrating political theater in the UK watches a lot of TV, or is advised by its producers. Episode 50 ran in the U.K on November 21 2017 and…

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UK Ambassador Craig Murray Asks If You Are Aware Of This Fact “OPCW [Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons] inspectors have had full access to all known Russian chemical weapons facilities for over a decade – including those identified by the “Novichok” alleged whistleblower Mirzayanov – and last year OPCW inspectors completed the destruction…

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