Police Officer Fired for Not Murdering a Citizen Who Posed No Threat Officer Stephen Mader was fired for not instantly killing a non-threatening suicidal black man, who was immediately killed on arrival of two other policemen. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/feb/12/stephen-mader-west-virginia-police-officer-settles-lawsuit In contrast, a Tennessee sheriff who says he thrives on killing people remains employed and fully in charge.…

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American Elites Discredited Themselves With Russiagate Professor Stephen Cohen points out that by continuing to hype the disproven Russiagate theory, the Democrats and presstitutes have (1) endangered the institution of the US presidency, (2) threatened US national security by accusing Russia of “an act of war,” (3) demeaned American voters, (4) discredited the US media…

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EX-CIA Director: “We interfere in other countries’ elections (81 times), but only for a good cause.”
This article explains how the CI…

More Russiagate Deception from Mueller Why Websites Should Not Have Comment Sections Moon of Alabama documents that Mueller’s indictment of 13 Russians is not an indictment of people trying to interfere with the election but of a click-bait commerial marketing scheme. http://www.moonofalabama.org/2018/02/mueller-indictement-the-russian-influence-is-a-commercial-marketing-scheme.html This article also shows the dangers of comment sections and “like” clicks. It…

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Why Are We In Afghanistan? It is long past time for someone in the shithole known as Washington to tell us why Americans have been killing and dying in Afghanistan for 17 years. Is it to steal the country’s minerals? Is it to control the location of pipelines? Is it to keep American taxpayers money…

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Feminists are Succeeding in Making Women a Turnoff for Men Brothels now employ inanimate sex dolls in place of women: https://www.rt.com/news/417645-sex-doll-brothel-france/ https://www.rt.com/uk/418234-sex-doll-brothel-prostitute/ The replacement of women with inanimate objects also a big thing in Japan: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/japanese-sex-dolls-now-life-like-4040718 There are now male sex dolls for women who have been taught to hate men: https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/160cm-lifelike-silicone-male-sex-doll_60450441877.html?spm=a2700.7724857/B.main07.73.5f625af3atg8dF I keep waiting…

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When You Use Facebook You Support Israel’s Genocide of the Palestinians
The post When You Use Facebook You Support Israel’s …