Nomi Prins Fills Us In On Another Of The President’s Bankers “Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is a man who has a real sense of the opportunity that’s embedded in this moment — for the large banks and their CEOs to make a bundle of money — but no appropriate sense of the risks involved or…

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Mueller’s False Indictments David Stockman explains that Mueller’s indictment of george Papadopouos is a nothing indictment. Its purpose, along with the indictment of Manafort for something unrelated to Russiagate, is to create the impression that President Trump is tarnished by crimes related to dealing with Russia. The presstitutes cooperate totally with Mueller and repeat the…

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Mueller’s False Indictments David Stockman explains that Mueller’s indictment of george Papadopouos is a nothing indictment. Its purpose, along with the indictment of Manafort for something unrelated to Russiagate, is to create the impression that President Trump is tarnished by crimes related to dealing with Russia. The presstitutes cooperate totally with Mueller and repeat the…

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George Soros Could Not Subvert Europe Without Washington’s Approval
The post George Soros Could Not Subvert Europe Without Washington’s Approval appear…

Fascist Judge Convicts US Marine General For Defending Gito Detainees’ Rights
The post Fascist Judge Convicts US Marine General For Defending Gito Det…

Former UK Treasury Secretary and Prime Minister Says US Deceived UK Into Supporting US Invasion of Iraq
Gordon Brown says the US defence department knew that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction but kept Britain in the dark and that …

On the collection of Russian DNA by the US A letter from another scientist: It was striking to me that the American agencies were interested in samples from skeletal muscle and presumably the nerve endings running to the muscle as well which would be mixed in with any biopsy. Decades ago I recall that a…

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Washington Corruption Is Unparalleled In History Paul Craig Roberts Dr. George Szamuely, a distinguished member of the Global Policy Institute of London Metropolitan University, is a British citizen and not a partisan of US politics. He has carefully investigated the so-called Russian dossier and reports that it was entirely the work of the Hillary Democrats.…

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