Gilad Atzmon Expains the Murder of the West by Identity Politics Strange, isn’t it, that one Jew, Gilad Atzmon, understands the dire situation of the Western World far better than does the entirety of the Western intellectual class, including its large Jewish component. Read this and if you are successful in doing so, that is,…

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The Lincoln Myth: Ideological Cornerstone of the America Empire Thomas DiLorenzo “Lincoln is theology, not historiology. He is a faith, he is a church, he is a religion, and he has his own priests and acolytes, most of whom . . . are passionately opposed to anybody telling the truth about him . . .…

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N. Korea Has A Better And More Equitable Health Care System Than The US Read Professor Michel Chossudovsky’s report on the World Health Organization’s latest finding:

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Hellstorm The Documentary Paul Craig Roberts Some readers reacted to my review of David Irving’s book about the Nuremberg showtrial of Germans during 1945-46 with the comment that Irving understates allied criminality. Several sent me links to a documentary made recently by Americans based on midwestern American Thomas Goodrich’s history, Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi…

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I don’t know what happened in Charlottesville, but here is a view you are unlikely to hear from the media:

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I don’t know what happened in Charlottesville, but here is a view you are unlikely to hear from the media:

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Sometimes We Learn The Most About Ourselves From Our Opponents This is a North Korean film with English voiceover that examines the role of propaganda in the United States and the Western world generally to keep the population distracted, ignorant, and brainwashed. North Korea is the most demonized country on earth, more so even than…

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Former deputy director of FBI: “the federal government is going to kill Trump” When I said it, presstitutes said I was a kook.  Now the former FBI deputy director says it.

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The Actual Terrorists This is an article written by an Austrian, Klaus Madersbacher, who, somehow, was able to see through the heavy blanket of Amerian propaganda that suffocates the ability to think and to pereive throughout the entirety of Europe. He correctly undersands the Western destruction of Libya as a war crime. Germans were executed…

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