Gallup & Pew Polls Try To Downplay The Fact That The US Is Regarded As The Main Threat To Peace The world–including Washington’s vassals–regards the US as the worst danger the world faces.

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On the Anniversary of the American Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki The only government sufficiently evil and barbaric to drop nuclear weapons on civilian populations is the United States. The US vaporized Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. The anniversary of Washington’s second act of total evil occurred on August 9, 1945, when Nagasaki was obliterated.…

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The Beckoning of Nuclear War Paul Craig Roberts The admirable and honorable truth-teller John Pilger warns us that nuclear war is closer than we think. The 1957 book, On The Beach, introduced awareness that war in the nuclear age is terminable for life on earth. This realization explains President John F. Kennedy’s rejection of the…

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The US Was Committing War Crimes While the US Tried Surviving Nazis for War Crimes at Nuremberg 72nd Anniversary of Hiroshima’s Gratuitous Mass Murder by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) War in the Pacific was won months before Franklin Roosevelt’s April 12, 1945 death. He declined to accept the Japanese offer of…

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Frustrated European Peter Koenig Explains How Propaganda Has Turned the West Into a Herd of Pigs
The post Frustrated European Peter Koenig Explains How Propaganda Has Turned the West Into a Herd of P…

Seymour Hersh Says Report of Russian Hacking Is CIA Disinformation Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh has confirmed from FBI sources that Hillary’s emails were taken by Seth Rich and offered to Wikileaks for money. Hersh confirms that the fake news story of Russian hacking was a disinformation campaign initiated by CIA director John Brennan. See:…

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Down The Memory Hole Goes The Truth When German newspaper editor Udo Ulfkotte’s book was published in Germany several years ago, I brought it to the attention of my readers. The book explained why Europe moved in lockstep with Washington. Ulfkotte reported that every significant journalist in Europe had connections to the CIA. This confirmed…

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Down The Memory Hole Goes The Truth When German newspaper editor Udo Ulfkotte’s book was published in Germany several years ago, I brought it to the attention of my readers. The book explained why Europe moved in lockstep with Washington. Ulfkotte reported that every significant journalist in Europe had connections to the CIA. This confirmed…

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