The English Fought for Civil Liberty for Centuries Only to Destroy it With Intrusive Surveillance Jeremy Bentham, who wanted to arrest and imprison people of suspected criminal inclination before they could commit a crime is alive and well in the UK. Read this article carefully. It is America’s dystopia future as well as Britain’s.

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Zionists Declare Humanitarian Richard Falk “A Self-Hating Jew” Recently I wrote that the Israel Lobby had turned anti-Semite into a badge of honor when former US President Jimmy Carter was labeled an anti-Semite. Now the Zionist lobby has added to the honor list another of the great humanitarians of our time, Princeton professor Richard Falk.…

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Lavrov Dismantles UK-Led Sarin ‘Investigation’ in 30 Seconds

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Lavrov Dismantles UK-Led Sarin ‘Investigation’ in 30 Seconds

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The US Is Now The Ultimate Police State The US is without any doubt now the worst police state, not only in reality exceeding Gestapo Nazi Germany, but exceeding the human imagination of George Orwell and other authors of dystopias. And this utterly corrupt criminal police state gets away with pretending to be the “defender…

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Is This “Freedom and Democracy” or a Gestapo Police State?

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Oklahoma City Bombing — Feedback from a Reader I remember much of this myself. Truth-telling by the local media in Oklahoma City lasted for about 4 hours until Washington arrived, put a stop to truth-telling, and gave us the officially approved story. I also remember that for a couple of hours the news anchors replaying…

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The Boston Marathon Bombing After Four Years Paul Craig Roberts Today, April 15, 2017, is the fourth anniversary of the Boston Marathon Bombing, a hoax event performed by crisis actors and tell-tale bright red Hollywood blood. Sheila Casey has done a good job of exposing the hoax just by using the time line and photos…

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US has “longstanding tradition” of aggression under invented pretexts – Russian Ministry of Defense US a Greater Threat to Peace than North Korea These concerns were echoed by a senior Russian lawmaker who, as AP reports, says the US is a greater threat to global peace than North Korea. Konstantin Kosachev, the head…

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