Another Goldman Sachs Administration? Nomi Prins says that based on the past history of Goldman Sachs executives in public service, President Trump’s appointment of Goldman Sachs alumni Steven Mnuchin and Gary Cohn means that the one percent of the one percent will continue to feast on the rest of us. The Goldman Sachs Effect How…

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Only Glass-Steagall Can Save the U.S. from Another Epic Crash Pam Martens Allowing the largest Wall Street banks to brazenly loot the public is now the official policy of Congress. Following the worst financial crash since the Great Depression in 2008, Congress and the Obama administration engaged in the greatest legislative hoax in history in…

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Stephen Lendman Reports President Putin’s Response To Obama’s New Sanctions It is clear enough who is the real leader of the world. That person is not in the White House. Putin’s Response to Obama’s New Sanctions by Stephen Lendman Both leaders are polar opposites – a mensch in Moscow on the right side of history…

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The Western Presstitutes Are Firmly Based In Nazi Propaganda Techniques The Lesson Taught by Nazi Propaganda Minister Goebbels Was Well Learned by Washington and Its Servile Presstitutes at the Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, BBC, NPR, and All the Rest of the Media Prostitutes in the US, UK, EU, Canada, Australia and New Zealand:…

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The CIA Strikes Again? Were CIA Dirty Hands Behind Assassination of Russia’s Ambassador to Turkey? by Stephen Lendman Russia’s investigation will get to the bottom of what happened, why and who was responsible. Though unknown at this point, it has the earmarks of a CIA plot to undermine growing Russian/Turkish ties, notably their cooperation in…

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The Obama Regime and Washington’s EU Vassals Rank with the Worst Criminal Regimes in History

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How the CIA Took Over America and Holds Presidents Hostage to Assassination
The post How the CIA Took Over America and Holds Presidents Hostage to Assassination appeared first on …

Editorial: Just who is undermining election? Russians or CIA? By Albuquerque Journal Editorial Board Friday, December 16th, 2016 at 12:02am Congress needs to dust off its Magic 8 Ball. At this point, how else are our elected representatives going to get to the bottom of allegations that Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin, tried to…

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A CIA-led Coup Against American Democracy Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes Paul Craig Roberts This article by Moon of Alabama is not conspiracy theory: Read it carefully. Check out the links. The article is a documented and accurate description of a coup that is underway. The extraordinary lies that are being perpetrated by the…

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A CIA-led Coup Against American Democracy Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes Paul Craig Roberts This article by Moon of Alabama is not conspiracy theory: Read it carefully. Check out the links. The article is a documented and accurate description of a coup that is underway. The extraordinary lies that are being perpetrated by the…

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