Top Experts Dismiss Reported Claim That Russia Influenced the US Election Presstitutes such as the New York Times and Reuters continue to hype an alleged CIA finding that Russians hacked Hillary’s emails and used them to influence the election outcome. As a number of experts have noted, there is no evidence whatsoever for the claim,…

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Detroit Vote Rigged For Hillary Here is a report that Jill Stein’s Michigan recount discovered that the vote was rigged for Hillary, not for Trump.

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Zero Hedge reports on the Washington Post’s collapse under Bezos from a newspaper into a smear sheet devoid of all credibility.

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Is The Donald trumped? Clinton scheming to seize the White House through backdoor Robert Bridge The United States is so corrupt that the scenario presented by Robert Bridge is possible. It was stupid or corrupt of Jill Stein to have set this possibility in motion. Stephen Lendman suggests that Jill Stein is an agent…

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John Pilger Raises a Question: Has There Ever Been a Government More Evil Than Washington? The Coming War on China by John Pilger Years ago when I was staff associate, House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, a tutorial was provided on the destructive power of the Soviet ICBM SS-18, known as Satan. Employing hyperbole, the lecturer…

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Don’t Purchase From Think about whether you want to support Amazon whose CEO Bezos has turned his trophy newspaper, the Washington Post, into a McCarthyite smear sheet of truthtellers. Why make a multi-billonaire who is an enemy of truth even richer?

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US House of Representatives Passes Law Against Telling the Truth in America Paul Craig Roberts The US House of Representatives is so threatened by truth that “our” representatives have passed a law against telling the truth. As all truth in America is told by “Russian agents” spreading “false news,” the truth is no longer to…

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