This Wasn’t A Vote, It Was An Uprising Dear Readers: The article below has come to me. I am unable to ascertain if it is a published statement or one of those items sent around the Internet. Nevertheless, I do believe that it captures the attitude of those Americans who in the vast majority of…

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Has George Soros Committed Treason? “His only legitimacy is his wallet.” The press prostitutes continue to lie to us. They pretend that the anti-Trump protests are real spontaneous events although the prostitutes know that the “protests” are orchestrated by George Soros and front groups for the Oligarchy such as and other fake progressive…

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Soros Launches The ‘Purple Revolution’ Against America

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Stephen Lendman Sums Up The NYT NYT Scare Tactics for Hillary by Stephen Lendman The Times shamelessly serves as Hillary’s press agent, masquerading as a legitimate source of news and information. On November 5, its editors hyped a nonexistent “catastrophe that looms if we wake up Wednesday morning to President-elect Trump…Averting the worst starts with…

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Eric Zuesse Notes That the Democratic Party, once the Party of the People, is now the Party of the Rich, and that the US Public Lacks Confidence in Elections Poverty Rose in 96% of U.S. House Districts, During Obama’s Presidency On November 3rd, Morning Consult’s Jon Reid bannered, “Poverty on the Rise in Nearly All…

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How the Oligarchy Has Prepared the Groundwork for Stealing the Election In addition to the cyber manipulation of electronic voting (see ), Finian Cunningham explains a second method the Oligarchy has prepared that would allow the election to be stolen for Hillary. The groundwork that has been officially established indicates that a false flag…

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In the Western World Respect for Law No Longer Exists Two of the Most Important Journalists in the World Emphasize the Criminality that Rules in the US, UK, and Sweden

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Assange Points Out Hillary’s Emails Confirm Oligarchic Control

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On Nov 1, 2016 2:13 PM, “Mimi Kennedy” wrote: Please circulate widely: Bev Harris of finally put up Fraction Magic video. Appropriately, on Halloween. 98,000 views in less than 24 hours: Don’t be afraid. Watch. The capacity to commit fraud exists; stop arguing about who’s using it, get it out, and in the…

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How Voting Machines Are Programmed In Order To Steal Elections Americans are being told by “experts” (read “Hillary supporters”) that election fraud in the US is rare. They are also being misinformed that voting fraud would be detected. The fact of the matter is, as has now been proven, that no vast conspiracy is required.…

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President Putin Asks US To Stop Provoking Russia Putin expressed hopes that a new US president will work with him to rectify the dangerous deterioration in relations between the US and Russia. Obviously, this cannot happen if the new president is Hillary. Here is President Putin’s speech at Valdai: Putin speech, Valdai 2016 JRL,…

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Dear Friends, in the article below The Saker explains how Vladimir Putin wrest the sovereignty of Russia away from the Anglo-Zionist Empire. He hopes that Donald Trump can rescue America. His article is republished with his permission. Can Trump Save America Like Putin Saved Russia? The Saker October 22, 2016 A crisis faces America: Option…

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