This Is How They Protect Us! The Latest TSA Horror “These people think they are God. They think they can do anything they want.” A partially blind, partially deaf young woman returning home from treatment for a brain tumor was brutally smashed to the ground by goon tug TSA “security” while her mother, a nurse,…

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The Changing Orlando Story Police Chief Says SWAT teams might have shot nightclub patrons. I do not know if the interpretation in this account of the timeline is correct as it seems to me unliikely that the FBI would release information that casts doubt on the official story. Nevertheless, problems with the official story given…

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How To Spot A False Flag Event The telltale signs of false flag operations: “Obviously, the ‘no conspiracy’ group is contributing greatly to the demise of liberty by their unwillingness to even examine the evidence suggesting government conspiracies. Truly, they are shutting their eyes ‘against a painful truth.’ And, unfortunately, this group is…

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AP, CNN, NYT Sue For Phone Records of Orlando Shooting As in the case of the government’s refusal to release videos that would prove or disprove the claim that an airliner hit the Pentagon on 9/11/01, government refuses to release alleged phone records that could support or not support the official Orlando story. We should…

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Where To Invade Next by Michael Moore Michael Moore’s latest film is worth watching, because it shows how inhumane life in American society is compared to countries in Europe. Moore allows Europeans to make the point that to live life in America is to live in Hell. Compared to civilized societies, American society is primative…

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The Campaign To Undermind The Vote By Richie Allen, Radio Presenter, Manchester. It’s been an amazing 24 hours, it really has. When the polls closed across the UK at 10PM last night, I was deflated. A YouGov poll suggested that Vote Remain would carry the day by a margin of two to three points. Even…

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The Campaign To Undermind The Vote By Richie Allen, Radio Presenter, Manchester. It’s been an amazing 24 hours, it really has. When the polls closed across the UK at 10PM last night, I was deflated. A YouGov poll suggested that Vote Remain would carry the day by a margin of two to three points. Even…

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Israel Sours On Netanyahu Has the Israel Lobby assigned former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon to the class of “self-hating Jews?” These two former top officials of the Israeli government are obviously, to the crazed mind of the Israel Lobby, especially ADL, anti-semites for critizing the Israeli government.…

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Will There Always Be A Great Britain? Tiny Iceland and Switzerland Withdrew Their EU Applications and Prospered. Will “Great” Britain Be too Fearful to Save Her Sovereignty? Will Britain Dissapear Along with Europe into Dictatorial Rule by the One Percent?

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Is This What Orlando Is All About? The Second Amendment Is Inconsistent With The American Police State Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) says he be may be “open” to placing new gun controls on law-abiding citizens following the terror attack on Pulse Orlando.

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The Democratic Party Has Destroyed Itself. Will It Now Destroy The Rest Of Us? War Party Leader Obama Endorses War Goddess Clinton by Stephen Lendman Obama, Clinton and bipartisan neocons infesting Washington explain the deplorable state of America today – a democracy in name only, enriching the privileged few at the expense of most others,…

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