Compare Mike Whitney’s Truthful Account Of Syria With The Disinformation Published By The Washington Post vs. There is no such thing as “the Syrian opposition.” The “opposition” consists almost entirely of the Washington-backed ISIS, which Washington sent to Syria to topple the government when Russia blocked the neoconized Obama regime from its plan…

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Pol Pot’s Children If this report is accurate, it demonstrates that the United States government rests on violence alone, violence against its own people and against the rest of the world. The Republican candidates for the presidential nomination especially are a moral horror. They are Pol Pot’s children.

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John Pilger Explains Washington’s Incarceration of Julian Assange in the Ecuadoran Embassy in London

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Washington Is The Greatest Threat To World Order Paul Craig Roberts Sergei Naryshkin, the Chairman of the Russian Parliament says that the growing tensions in international relations result from Washington’s lack of morals and violations of international law: “The increasing crisis in international relations is rooted in Western nations’ lack of morals and their reluctance…

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CitiBank For President The Times Endorses Hillary Clinton with a Banner Ad from Citigroup By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 31, 2016 Today’s digital edition of The New York Times captures the essence of the cancer eating away at our democracy: a leading newspaper is endorsing a deeply tarnished candidate for the highest office…

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Every Country Should Understand that the Main Purpose of a US Embassy Is Subversion
If governments had comprehension, no country would permit an American presence of any kind,
not even a commercial presence.…

Corrupt US Government Accuses Putin Of Corruption Paul Craig Roberts The most corrupt government on earth, a government so utterly corrupt that it allows former executives of a handful of corrupt mega-banks to run the economic policy of the US solely in the interest of their banks, denying tens of millions of American retirees any…

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Germany’s Reward For Being Washington’s Vassal And Aiding And Abetting Washington’s War Crimes Against Muslim Peoples.

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John Pilger On Australia’s Crimes Against Humanity The Anglo world doesn’t care that the Zionist world murders the Palestinians and confiscates their land, because that is what the Anglo world did to the native peoples whose lands the Anglo world wanted. Genocide is an Anglo-Zionist habit.

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There Is NO Justice In America Sixteen years ago my colleague, Lawrence Stratton, and I published a book about how American citizens lost the protection of law. Yesterday Chris Hedges explained this loss very well. I recommend to you his article: The Mirage of Justice By Chris Hedges January 18, 2016 “Information Clearing House”…

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The FBI’s Two-Pronged Investigation of Hillary Clinton Paul Craig Roberts Judge Napolitano in the article below explains the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton. There are two aspects of the investigation. The original source of her trouble is the charge that she failed to safeguard national security secrets. As Judge Napolitano explains, this crime does not…

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