‘The late 1980s sci-fi flick RoboCop featured a half-man, half-robotic creature that was deployed to the mean, decaying streets of Detroit in a bid to replace human police officers (and save money). In an early scene, a full robot was being demonstrated by its corporate developers, but wound up short-circuiting and blowing away one of […]

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‘Many government policies are advertised as useful for broader safety – till they are reversed to apply to the very officials who create them. The UK Home Secretary is very much of that school. Readers will be aware what Theresa May has done her invaluably bit to undermine privacy on the broader pretext of protecting […]

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‘It is 70 years since large parts of Europe lay in ruins. Great power aspirations, nationalism and fascism made the continent the focus of two world wars, which together claimed nearly 100 million victims. Now, these same tendencies are spreading once again. Everywhere in Europe, the ruling elites are moving sharply to the right. They […]

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‘Twitter and other tech firms will face criminal charges if they warn users they are being monitored by UK security services or police under the new Investigatory Powers Bill. A June report by David Anderson QC, the independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, revealed that Twitter’s policy requires it to notify its users of requests to […]

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‘In an incident reminiscent of a scene from 1930s’ Germany, police were dispatched to a local park because teens were distributing copies of a banned book. The award-winning novel, entitled The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian, was banned from schools last year after parents became outraged over the book’s alleged ‘anti-Christian’ and ‘sexual’ […]

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‘“[The mall shooter] was [previously]charged in July 2014 with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, injury to personal property and discharging a weapon on occupied property stemming. The disposition of those charges was not immediately known.” Facts change and new reports are filed and lies are told, but let’s assume for the […]

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‘A new report indicates that over two-thirds of people tasered by British police between 2010 and 2014 were mentally ill. Police use of the stun guns increased over the period from 6,238 incidents in 2010 to 9,196 last year, and there has been a corresponding rise in the number of incidents involving mentally ill people, […]

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‘For those who are not familiar with the taxpayer-funded network Voice of America, it is essentially a government propaganda instrument whose mission, as The New York Times has noted in its politically correct manner, “is charged with presenting America’s viewpoint to the world.” Established during World War II as a propaganda instrument similar to those […]

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