‘President Barack Obama’s new proposal to close the notorious U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay has already attracted the predictable right-wing blowback, with 2016 hopeful Ted Cruz claiming the White House is planning to give the naval base “back to Cuba” (if only!) and Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) immediately issuing a statement opposing the transfer […]

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‘It’s been nearly a year since the American public was first made aware of the notorious Homan Square jail in Chicago. Though perhaps “jail” isn’t the right word for this place. At least in American jails there is some faint enforcement of human rights and the rule of law. Homan Square on the other hand, […]

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‘Former Prime Minister Tony Blair has refused to disclose whether he was aware of torture techniques used against British prisoner Shaker Aamer in Guantanamo Bay or wider UK complicity in the United States torture regime. Pressure on Blair to come clean over Labour position on torture followed the damning revelations of Shaker Aamer, who disclosed […]

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‘Two members of Ireland’s Dáil (parliament) face Christmas in the clink for trying to inspect US military aircraft at Shannon airport. Independent TD (MP) Mick Wallace and United Left TD Clare Daly used a rope ladder to gain access to a restricted area of Shannon Airport in July 2014. They suspected the US of carrying […]

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‘The British resident who spent nearly 14 years at the US-run detention facility in Guantanamo Bay is now planning to sue the UK government for alleged complicity in his torture. Shaker Aamer’s lawyers say they initiated legal action against the British government on his behalf but the proceeding could not be followed until his return […]

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‘The last British prisoner in Guantanamo Bay has claimed that Britain knew flawed evidence, used to justify the Iraq War, had been obtained under torture – and said his lengthy detention was a result of fears that he would go on the record if released. Shaker Aamer, who is due to be freed from the […]

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‘Guantanamo is the tip of America’s global torture prison network, operating covertly in dozens of countries, subjecting victims to brutalized treatment. They include Shaker Aamer, one of 52 Guantanamo prisoners cleared for transfer to countries willing to accept them. Aamer is the last British detainee, approved for release by the Bush administration in 2007. Obama […]

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‘Westminster is pushing for evidence relating to Britain’s alleged complicity in Libya torture and rendition to be presented to a high court judge in secret. It concerns 12 men who are attempting to sue the British state. Government lawyers say the secret evidence they wish to present would disprove the allegations of five of these […]

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‘The US Central Intelligence Agency had explicit guidelines for “human experimentation” on terrorism detainees as part of its controversial rendition, detention and interrogation program, according to a newly declassified document. The document containing the guidelines […]

‘Colonel Ian Henderson was a British official dubbed “the Butcher of Bahrain” because of atrocities he repeatedly committed during the 30 years he served as chief security official of that Middle Eastern country. His reign […]