My theme this week is The Great Unraveling, by which I mean the unraveling of our social-political-economic system of hierarchical, centralized power. Let’s start by looking at how the basis of governance has transmogrified from consent of the governed to consent of the conned. In

‘HSBC’s decision to keep its headquarters in the UK is unsurprising because British regulators are captured and the City of London is the world’s leading center of financial crime, ethical finance experts have said. British-born whistleblower Nicholas Wilson, who claims to have uncovered evidence of HSBC fraud amounting to £1 billion ($1.43bn), says the bank’s […]

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‘A businessman who swindled Barclays out of millions by flirting with his female bank manager was jailed for more than three years today. Nicholas Marcou, 49, supplied major supermarkets including Sainsburys, Asda, Aldi and Lidl with fruit and nuts, persuaded the bank to raise his credit limit by charming his ‘relationship’ manager, Joanne Haslegrave. He […]

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‘70% of all the money spent on British prison contracts goes directly to G4S and Serco following a recent increase in spending, it has emerged. The recently published fourth edition of the UK Justice Policy Review has also identified prison overcrowding and the continued cuts to funding as a major cause of increased prison violence, […]

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‘The cover of this month’s National Geographic magazine is causing some major controversy among the cognitively aware, as this once-upstanding and generally unbiased nature periodical has quite obviously fallen headlong into the clutches of corporate-controlled […]