‘A report in ALALAM states that WFP food drops have landed predominantly in ISIS held territory, despite UN claims last week that the WFP had successfully dropped 21 tonnes of aid into ISIS besieged Deir Ezzor. “Planes dropped the humanitarian help sent by the United Nations into the territory controlled by Daesh. Just two containers […]

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‘The UN refugee agency, UNHCR, has warned EU leaders that the continent is facing a “self-induced humanitarian crisis,” with over 24,000 people stuck on the Macedonian border, and with as many arrivals in two months of 2016 as in the first six of last year.’ Read more: Accept refugees or face ‘self-induced crisis’, UN tells Europe

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‘The United Nations will condemn and publicly shame the Government in May for allowing police to use 50,000-volt stun guns on children, as well as stopping and searching toddlers. The Government faces a six-hour grilling in Switzerland over the extent of its compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which the […]

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‘The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) has censured France for failing to stop the corporal punishment of children and ill-treatment of Roma and asylum-seeking minors. The CRC issued non-binding recommendations on Thursday, calling on the government in Paris to work more effectively to halt violence against children. “No violence against children […]

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The top United Nations expert on human rights has called on the 12 nations considering the Trans-Pacific Partnership to reject the massive trade agreement since in its current form it “is out of step with today’s international human rights regime.” Acknowledging global opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) because of the agreement’s “undemocratic pedigree,”Alfred de […]

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‘The United Nations has deprived a number of countries of voting rights following their failure to pay the membership charge. The list of non-payer states includes Venezuela, which is set to take over the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council in February. The General Assembly has been informed by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon that […]

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‘Syria’s envoy to the UN has accused Turkey of supporting terrorist groups and covering for their invasion into Syria. Urging the UN to end Ankara’s “violations and crimes,” Bashar al-Ja’afari also warned that Erdogan’s goal is to “revive” the Ottoman Empire. “Since 2011, an unprecedented terrorist war has been waged against the Syrian Arab Republic […]

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‘With great fanfare, last September the United Nations adopted the “Post 2015 Sustainable Development Agenda,” a seemingly laudable agenda containing 17 goals from “End Poverty in All Its Forms Everywhere,” through Goal 16, “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at […]

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‘At least some people are determined to kick off the New Year on a positive note. A motion to expel Israel from the United Nations is to be put to the Palestine Solidarity Campaign’s (PSC) Annual General Meeting (AGM). And many will be saying: “About time too”. Israel has enjoyed impunity for its criminal acts […]

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‘The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has unanimously adopted a resolution to endorse an international bid to end the nearly five-year-long crisis in Syria. The resolution, adopted on Friday, calls for Syrian peace talks on a transitional government to begin in early January. It also calls for a nationwide ceasefire in the war-torn country. According […]

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‘A top UN official has voiced concerns over Israel’s failure to bring to justice the culprits of an arson attack in late July that claimed the lives of three members of a Palestinian family. “Four months have passed since the arson attack against the Dawabsheh family,” Nickolay Mladenov, the UN special coordinator for the so-called […]

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‘Fierce fighting rages between UN peacekeepers and Ugandan rebels in the restive east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The violent clashes erupted after peacekeepers tracked down the Allied Democratic Forces-National Army for the Liberation of Uganda (ADF-NALU) rebels in the troubled region early on Tuesday. General Jean Baillaud, acting commander of the United Nations […]

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