‘The United Nations will condemn and publicly shame the Government in May for allowing police to use 50,000-volt stun guns on children, as well as stopping and searching toddlers. The Government faces a six-hour grilling in Switzerland over the extent of its compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which the […]

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‘The French foreign ministry has called on Turkey to stop bombing Kurdish regions in northern Syria, saying it will deteriorate the situation in the war-torn country. “France is worried about the deteriorating situation in the region of Aleppo and the north of Syria. We call for the cessation of all bombardments, those of the regime […]

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‘The Russian Defense Ministry has denied any manner of Turkish airspace violation by its jets. “The statements of the Turkish side about the alleged fact of Russian Su-34 jet’s violation of (its) airspace are pure propaganda,” said Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov on Saturday. He stressed that “There were no violations of Turkish […]

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‘The United States has warned Israel that products imported from the occupied West Bank should not be erroneously labeled as “made in Israel.” The guidelines were reissued last week by US Customs authorities in response to repeated Israeli mislabeling of West Bank products. US State Department spokesman Mark Toner said on Thursday the decision to […]

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‘China’s official newspaper warned billionaire investor George Soros not to bet against the Yuan in a front-page opinion piece, as China tries to boost confidence in its home currency, also known as the renminbi, which has dropped 5 percent since August. “Soros’s war on the renminbi and the Hong Kong dollar cannot possibly succeed – […]

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‘Advocacy groups have highlighted the thousands of civilian casualties likely to result from airstrikes this year alone as Prime Minister David Cameron prepares to make his case for attacking Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) in Syria. Airstrikes in populated areas caused 3,165 civilian deaths and injuries in the year up to August, according to Action […]

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‘To the astonishment of Californians, the U.S. Navy has now launched a second thermonuclear missile over Los Angeles. “The second test launch of the Trident II (D5) missile from a ballistic submarine in the Pacific Ocean took place Monday afternoon,” reports the LA Times. As Natural News readers know, two days ago I exhaustively documented […]

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‘The Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas, has warned the Tel Aviv regime to avoid further “foolish” acts against Palestinians after Israel carried out deadly air raids on the Gaza Strip. “This shows the occupation’s desire to escalate,” Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri, said on Sunday, adding, “We warn the occupation against continuing this foolishness.” The remarks […]

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‘The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has called on Russia to stop its anti-Daesh air campaign in Syria after Russian fighter jet strayed into Turkey’s airspace. “Allies call on the Russian Federation to immediately cease its attacks on the Syrian opposition and civilians,” NATO said Monday in a statement following an emergency meeting on the […]

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‘The French foreign minister has called for the resumption of stalled Israeli-Palestinian talks, warning that Tel Aviv’s continued settlement expansion in the occupied lands scuttles the chances of a deal between the two sides. “What’s important is that negotiations restart,” Laurent Fabius told reporters during a visit to the Egyptian capital, Cairo, on Saturday. He […]

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‘Russia would take military “countermeasures” if Sweden were to join Nato, according to the Russian ambassodor. In an interview with Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter, Viktor Tatarinstev warned against joining the Nato alliance, saying there would be “consequences”. Decrying what he called an “aggressive propaganda campaign” by the media, Tatarinstev stressed that “Sweden is not a […]

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‘Russia would take military “countermeasures” if Sweden were to join Nato, according to the Russian ambassodor. In an interview with Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter, Viktor Tatarinstev warned against joining the Nato alliance, saying there would be “consequences”. Decrying what he called an “aggressive propaganda campaign” by the media, Tatarinstev stressed that “Sweden is not a […]

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