First this:   RECORD HIGH FOR S & P 500! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 29, 2017   Pertaining to this:     Not that the Exchange Stabilization Fund along with the Fed, smashing gold & silver, buying the

First the good news. If copper is finding a bottom in the short-term, the silver price can find a floor based on the “industrial use” aspect of the white metal: Silver has two unique properties that, when comparing all other

Two weeks ago we discussed the Fed radio silence for the entire week before the FOMC meeting. This is what it looked like: Last week we of course we know what happened, which was basically nothing until talk turns into action.

Silver Doctors Friday Wrap: Sure, they have succeeded in smashing price lower on the week, but gold & silver refuse to drop a handle! WE GET THE VICTORY, and that will bother them even more than today’s closing prices… First this (queue Rocky theme

Last night did not go that well as we saw constant pressure on the precious metals throughout the night: Constant, steady pressure to the downside. This is in light of “Rocket Man” comments, many Floridians still without power as 3

The silver chart on the weekly has taken a page from the scariest of horror movies. We know what’s behind the door, and we know the fate it brings us: When silver finishes making a run on the weekly, bad