Mps have voted to allow fracking under National Parks, World Heritage sites and areas of outstanding natural beauty which goes against previous committments and promises not to. However similar protection is not afforded to sites of special scientific interest and other wildlife conservation sites by the plan. Read more: MPs Vote For Fracking Under National Parks […]

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‘Jeremy Corbyn will respect the views of his party members by declaring Labour party policy is opposed to airstrikes in Syria. In keeping with his inclusive agenda, however, he will allow MPs a free vote on the issue in parliament. The decision to make the official position of the Labour party an anti-bombing one is […]

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‘The Labour leader is entirely happy to handle the possibility of a rebellion among the vocal minority of MPs who want to support Conservative prime minister David Cameron’s plan to bomb innocent people in Syria and pretend he’s attacking terrorists. Cameron has no idea where the leaders of Daesh (IS if you like) are hiding. […]

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‘The Finnish Parliament will debate next year on whether the country should abolish the euro. Disgruntled citizens raised the 50,000 votes necessary for a parliamentary debate on ‘Fixit’ – Finland’s exit from the eurozone. “There will be signature checks early next year and a parliamentary debate will be held in the following months,” Maija-Leena Paavola, […]

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‘A resolution calling for the inspection of Israeli nuclear sites has been defeated at the IAEA General Conference, with Tel Aviv, which led an intensive campaign against the Arab states’ proposal, hailing the result of the vote as a “great victory” in the international arena. The International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) General Conference voted 61-43 […]

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‘The LAB leadership Betting has been pretty stable since the YouGov poll last month that had Corbyn on 55% on first preferences. Inevitably he’s become the overwhelming favourite as can be seen by the chart. The only recent movement has been with Yvette Cooper who was out as a 5% chance last week and had […]

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‘On Thursday, 275 members of the U.S. House of Representatives voted in favor of H.R. 1599, the DARK (Deny Americans the Right to Know) Act. By voting for the DARK Act, these politicians voted against truth and transparency, against science, against the more than century-old right of states to legislate on matters relating to food […]

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