How would extraterrestrial anthropologists characterize Earth’s dominant socio-economic system? It’s not difficult to imagine their dismaying report: “Earth’s economy glorifies waste. Its economists rejoice when a product is disposed as waste and replaced with a new product. This waste is perversely

‘Federal, state and local governments have a plethora of technology they use to “monitor” We the People, but few of us ever really considered the local garbage collector as part of this web of surveillance. This network of pseudo-spies is vast, numbering in the hundreds of thousands and keeping watch on neighborhoods all over the […]

The post Police state government is spying on you through your local garbage collection trucks appeared first on David Icke.

‘The Pentagon has spent over $700 million on a mine-hunting system that has failed to meet US Navy performance standards 16 years after it was first developed. The Remote Mine-hunting System (RMS) project began in the late 1990s, and was meant to provide the Navy with a safe way to navigate minefields. The RMS is […]

The post Over $700 million wasted on dysfunctional mine-hunting system: Report appeared first on David Icke.

‘Austerity may be hitting some countries hard, but looking at certain EU funded projects, one would never know. From Brandenburg Airport to Donkeypedia, these and other white elephants are flushing billions of taxpayer’s euros down […]

‘Whitehall departments made losses of £5.1billion last year through errors, fees and buying unused equipment – including £6 million spent by the Ministry of Defence on earplugs found to be not fit for purpose, according […]