Babies held hostage for medical fees, porters as paramedics, £19 out of every £20 cut: A searing despatch from Athens’s blood-soaked hospitals that shows why Greece is literally dying to leave the Euro

‘How does a nation die? This week, in the beleaguered hospitals of Athens, I saw a glimpse of the shocking answer. It is when its own people die in their thousands simply because the state cannot afford to heal them.

In the Reichstag in Berlin, it is now said openly that Angela Merkel is ready to discuss putting Greece out if its misery – to let it ‘Grexit’ and parachute free of its colossal European debt, which could have a huge impact across the globe.

Yet to pay down this debt, Greeks have been battered by austerity measures that make Labour complaints about Osborne’s cutbacks utterly laughable.’

Read more: Babies held hostage for medical fees, porters as paramedics, £19 out of every £20 cut: A searing despatch from Athens's blood-soaked hospitals that shows why Greece is literally dying to leave the Euro

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