‘One year after the victory and six months after the coup, we shouldn’t fool ourselves: This was a defeat, of the Greek government. But it’s not only Syriza that has failed (for now). The whole left has failed in Greece – and in the rest of Europe, indeed. Europe is no longer what it was. […]

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‘If one had asked any Greek exactly one year ago, that the full of promises SYRIZA party would come to power to finish off the crisis-stricken Greek economy and drain his personal wealth, with his blessing, he would have called them a lunatic. Yet, a year later, the SYRIZA-ANEL coalition has legislated measures and reforms […]

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‘The Greek tragedy of national economic collapse appeared to be turning into farce with the re-election of Syriza at the end of September. The leftist party had been first elected only seven months earlier on the promise to end the austerity measures forced on Greece by the troika of the European Union (EU), International Monetary […]

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Greek’s political majority led by ‘revolutionary’ Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras agreed further suffering upon suffering for the Greek people when they narrowly defeated the opposition over new austerity measures. Tsipras then had the nerve to say: ‘This budget is a difficult task for a government that wants to leave its mark with social justice.’ As […]

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”Greece and its international creditors have resumed talks on the Athens’ progress in implementing the tough economic reforms required by the lenders in exchange for a new aid package. According to a statement by the Greek Finance Ministry, the high-level talks began on Wednesday between Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos and representatives of the European Commission […]

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‘In the wake of the September 20 Greek election SYRIZA has once again formed a coalition government with a small right-wing party, ANEL. Both parties lost votes and seats but their standing, like those of most other parties, was not very dissimilar to the results in January, when SYRIZA was first elected. SYRIZA’s 35.46% and […]

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‘Greek left-wing party Syriza has secured 145 seats in the country’s 300-member parliament and is set to form a ruling coalition with Independent Greeks after winning 35.5 percent of the vote. The leader of New Democracy, Syriza’s main rival, has conceded defeat. “The electoral result appears to be concluding with Syriza and Mr Tspiras in […]

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‘So divided has Syriza’s youth wing become over the direction of Greece’s leftist party, that when its council planned to convene at the end of August, the meeting was abandoned. Too many of its 71 members were on the point of quitting. The incident showed the disillusionment Syriza’s twenty-somethings feel with leader Alexis Tsipras, the […]

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‘The leftist Greek party Syriza has come out ahead in an opinion poll, despite defections following arguments over the country’s debt crisis and just one week after the party’s chief and country’s Prime Minister stepped down. The party is seeking re-election following the resignation of Alexis Tsipras on the 21st of August. Tsipras stepped down […]

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‘Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis is continuing his effort to distance himself from the austerity memorandum Syriza Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has agreed to impose. In doing so, he is succeeding only in confirming the bankruptcy of the entire Syriza project, which has been embraced by pseudo-left groups internationally. Varoufakis became finance minister following […]

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‘The new austerity program that was proposed yesterday (13/8/2015) by the SYRIZA government and voted by the majority of SYRIZA and the discredited old pro-austerity and pro-EU (European Union) parties brings disaster for the Greek people. Economic depression will be aggravated, foreign debt will be increased, wages and pensions reduced even more, poverty exacerbated and […]

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‘Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will face a vote of confidence after a huge number of Syriza MPs voted against the bailout deal. The €85 billion deal – which means the country will avoid a default next week -ultimately passed with support from opposition parties after an all-night parliamentary session. Overall 222 votes MPs backed […]

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‘Requirements attached to Greece’s latest bailout package are “extreme” free market fundamentalism designed to punish ordinary Greek people, a leading social justice campaign has said. After all-night negotiations in Athens, the European Commission (EC) came to an agreement with Greek representatives on Tuesday to provide Greece with an €85 billion (£95 billion) rescue loan. UK […]

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