Now They’re Saying The Dodo Bird Went Extinct Because Climate Change


‘I only saw this article because it popped up on the front page of Google News as a top story (meaning it’s an agenda that’s getting promoted).

Headline: Climate Change and Island Species: How the Dodo Birds Went Extinct


How many of you remember learning about the dodo bird in elementary school? Sure, it’s public school, but still. I remember back in what, third grade? The teacher would tell us about how the dodo bird, having never seen humans before the 1500s and 1600s, never fought back and was hunted to extinction by people who settled on their islands. The birds supposedly couldn’t fly and built their nests on the ground, making them pretty easy targets.’

Read more: Now They’re Saying The Dodo Bird Went Extinct Because Climate Change

The post Now They’re Saying The Dodo Bird Went Extinct Because Climate Change appeared first on David Icke.

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